Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Press


South Florida electronic music blog that digs the Green Sky. Interesting. We're down.


Our buddy Ryan from LA gave us a little exclusive stream spot on his site. He covers a lot of good bands, so go on his site and check out some of his interviews and such. Great dude.

If you have a website or a blog and want to make a post about the Green Sky, go for it, just be sure to include a link to our bandcamp download @ http://thegreensky.bandcamp.com AND OR link to our myspace account. Even if you don't have a website and want to help spread the Green Sky, go for it, tell your friends, make bulletins, post our streams on their pages, etc. Gracias.

All the Best,
Green Sky


  1. Just discovered Green Sky; lovin it! I definitely can hear the Floor/Torche influence. Can't wait to hear the whole album!

  2. fuck yeah, thank you for the support.
